Industrial Hemp Policy Could Fuel Markets

Industrial Hemp Policy Could Fuel Markets

Saturday, we attended the 1st Annual Rocky Mountain Industrial Hemp Summit in Longmont, Colorado.  Held on a private farm belonging to hemp producers/consumers, the event was well attended, yet intimate enough for effective networking and socializing. The event also featured a full educational program highlighting the latest discussions around hemp production/processing.   More on this later this week.

Despite a spike in infections from the virulent Delta variant of COVID-19, in person events are building momentum, and attendance is growing.  The pandemic helped us enhance our digital connectivity, and we will forever have this medium for connecting with counterparties or developing new relationships, without committing full day(s) of our busy schedules to travel.

The criteria by which we qualify a meeting as remote or in person has shifted. When normalcy is finally realized – whatever that is – we’ll have ultimately enhanced our ability…

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Biofuel feedstock demand rises while capacity declines: EIA

Biofuel feedstock demand rises while capacity declines: EIA

EIA Biofuels Capacity and Feedstock Update
The Energy Information Administration’s (EIA) Monthly Biofuels Capacity and Feedstocks Update, released on Tuesday April 30, showed that operable US biofuel capacity declined...


Chicago edible tallow trades lower

Chicago edible tallow trades lower

The edible tallow price fell to 52 cents per lb Chicago basis on the afternoon of Tuesday April 30. Tallow trading was quiet outside of the edible tallow market.


April animal protein values mixed month on month

April animal protein values mixed month on month

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