Analytical Testing a Pain Point for Cannabinoid Markets

Analytical Testing a Pain Point for Cannabinoid Markets

More state-level growing pains in cannabis, this time in Michigan, where  thousands of pounds of MJ are included in a broad recall that impacts over 400 dispensaries, according to

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.  The recall is the result of an error at Viridis Laboratories, though we do not know the details.  We do know that there will be more cases like this in coming years, until clear standards simplify complicated products.  

Analytical Labs are one of the weakest links in the cannabinoid value chain.  This is especially true when ∆8-THC markets are considered.  Many of those products still have no safety testing attached to package labeling, beyond the stark cannabinoid profile.  This isn’t sufficient testing for cannabis extracts, or isomers of extracts, in the case of ∆8. 

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