Shipping Woes Cancel Much of Q2 Gains in Hide Market

Shipping Woes Cancel Much of Q2 Gains in Hide Market

Please Note – The Jacobsen will not publish a Hide & Leather Bulletin next Thursday or Friday in obsernvace of the Thanksgiving holiday.

The US Hide market finished the week mostly steady. The exceptions were Butt Branded Steers $1 lower than yesterdays price high and Heavy Branded Heifers down $2 from yesterday’s high. Sources report there is still strong demand, but prices remain under pressure due to issues with production and difficulty in transporting hide material. There is still a lot of raw material that can’t be processed which has been a drag on the market.

The week’s estimated cattle slaughter was 677,000. The previous week’s kill was 655,000 and the corresponding week last year it was 666,000. Year-to-date slaughter at 29.588 million is up 3.0% from 2020.

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