Sausage casings bulletin, March 7, 2025

Runner market commentary
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**Fastmarkets is building a new content delivery platform for The Jacobsen. We are looking for customers who would be willing to view and feedback about our new platform. If you can spare 20-30 minutes for a video call, please contact [email protected] (user researcher).**
Carryover trading from the weekend was sideways for packer butt branded steers, $0.50 down from last reported levels for Colorado branded steers and $0.50 up for native heifers. Trading was active over the weekend due to the US holiday last Monday which had delayed offers.
Automotive and furniture tanners in China were active in the market, but shoe tanners were quiet. Low demand from shoe tanners is adding downward price pressure for branded and heavy Texas steers. Sellers reported a need to sell material this week.
Cattle Slaughter Forecast
Cattle slaughter is forecast by The Jacobsen at 640,00 head this…