Argentine Hides Up on Strong Demand

Argentine Hides Up on Strong Demand


September 28

Argentina exported 93,000 TEC of beef in August, which is 1,000 TEC below the previous month but 11,000 TEC above the year-ago period.
August was the fifth highest month ever on record and the third highest of the last four years.
Export pressure continues, pushing good quality Buenos Aires wet salted heavy steer prices upwards to about US$0.61 per kg.
Demand for semi and finished leather remains unchanged.

September 21

Slaughter remains unchanged.
Good quality Buenos Aires wet salted heavy steer prices are quoting upwards at about US$0.57 per kg due to strong pressure from exporters.
Demand continues to be unchanged for the moment.
The market awaits the outcome of the leather show, Lineapelle, in Milano, Italy.

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