Strong Demand for European Wet Salted Cow Hides and Splits

Strong Demand for European Wet Salted Cow Hides and Splits


March 28, 2024

The market remains stable.
Large export beef processing plants continue running their operations at full capacity whereas beef processing plants for domestic consumption have reduced their operations by between ten and 20 percent.
Argentine beef exports totaled 81,700 tons of carcass equivalent (tec) in February, achieving a five percent month-on-month increase and 17 percent year-on-year increase.
The beef export figures have been corrected after removing waste bones which were improperly added to calculations since July 2019. The percent comparisons also include the correction.
Good quality Buenos Aires wet salted heavy steers prices were unchanged from the prior week, at about US$0.65/kg.
Domestic beef consumption has lowered.

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