Leather Shoe Demand Strong Entering Summer

Leather Shoe Demand Strong Entering Summer

Hide trading was quiet today while buyers and sellers finalize purchases. For the past six weeks the market before Thursday has been used for price and volume negotiation. Buyer interest and bids continue to come in at current to higher price levels for many steer selections. Dairy Cows and Native Cows are in demand, but Branded Cows interest is flat. 

Leather Shoe Demand Strong Entering Summer

Eased COVID-19 restrictions due to widespread vaccination have encouraged pre-pandemic activities to return, bringing consumer attention back to footwear. Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED) for retail shoe sales were posted at $3.3 billion in April-the second consecutive month to track above historic March and April sales. April’s sales were 21 percent higher than April 2020 sales and 14 percent higher than the 2016-2019 average for April. These record high spring sales signify recovery for the footwear industry in multiple sectors. Coming out of the pandemic,…

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