Ruminant Bloodmeal Moves Higher


Ruminant Bloodmeal Moves Higher

Limited trading was reported for Thursday with the exception of the bloodmeal market, leaving most values flat heading into the end of the week. There were trades reported under the current range for meat and bonemeal (MBM), widening spreads on Mo. River and Tx. Panhandle.

Even though ruminant bloodmeal, FOB Tx. Panhandle was reported in a wide range on substantial trade volume yesterday, the low end of the range, at $1000/st, was not repeatable for Thursday. Values were also reported as high as...

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Animal Fats – International 7.12.23

Animal Fats – International 7.12.23

Used Cooking Oil (UCO) delivered to Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Antwerp (ARA) traded at $820-850/mt CIF during the week, with some...

Grain Export Sales Fall Within Analyst Estimates

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CME grain prices had an upwards trend on Thursday. March wheat increased by $0.0875, closing at $6.42/bu, and January...

U.S. Cattle Slaughter Overview

U.S. Cattle Slaughter Overview

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Growing Concerns over the Absence of Shoe Upper Tanneries

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December 7

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Weaker Biofuel Margins Expected in Near Term

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** Amanda Luhavalja will be out of the office until Friday December 8. In her absence, please contact Bob...

International Animal Proteins 7.12.2023

International Animal Proteins 7.12.2023

Trading was steady to lower this week with negative pressure reported in the export and destination markets. Sources indicated...

Organic Soybean Imports Decline

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Imports of organic soybeans declined in the prior marketing year. The official...

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BOHO spread reaches two-month high

BOHO spread reaches two-month high

The BOHO spread rose sharply on Friday September 20 to its highest since late July, as October soybean oil futures on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange traded higher and ultra-low-sulfur...


US animal fats, oils finish week stable to higher; SBO hits monthly high

US animal fats, oils finish week stable to higher; SBO hits monthly high

The US animal fats and oils markets closed the week to Friday September 20 unchanged, with limited trade reported.

The only notable movement was in the Midwest yellow grease market,...


Poultry by-product meal pet grade lower in Southeast; Sept on-feed cattle higher year on year

Poultry by-product meal pet grade lower in Southeast; Sept on-feed cattle higher year on year

US animal proteins were steady to slightly lower on Friday September 20. The only price change was on the Southeast poultry by-product meal pet grade due to increased production....

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