Soybean Meal Continues to Rise Following Last Week’s WASDE


Soybean Meal Continues to Rise Following Last Week’s WASDE

With several participants traveling from or still in Nashville for the AFOA conference, light trade was reported for Thursday on the spot market. Most trades reported fell in between the previously set range with only a minimum adjustment on ruminant bloodmeal, TX. Panhandle.

Soybean meal prices have trended higher since October 12, after the USDA World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimate (WASDE) was released at noon. There was a gain of 1...

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International Animal Fats 19.10.23

International Animal Fats 19.10.23

Tallow prices moved sharply lower out of the Australian and New Zealand markets this week, following the moves seen...

Soybeans Climb After Strong Set of Export Sales

Soybeans Climb After Strong Set of Export Sales

CME grain prices shifted higher across the board again on Thursday. December soymeal increased by $9.20 and closed at...

UAW Strike Keeps Uncertainty in Market

UAW Strike Keeps Uncertainty in Market

Hide trading today was active with some buyers willing to pay steady to lower prices. Colorado Branded Steers, Butt...

Increased Interest in Wet Blue From Chinese Furniture Tanners

Increased Interest in Wet Blue From Chinese Furniture Tanners


October 19

Limited available hides to offer.
Customers are wary due to the wars in...

International Animal Proteins 19.10.2023

International Animal Proteins 19.10.2023

The international animal protein market was steady to softer this week with range adjustments on bloodmeal, feathermeal, and ovine...

Organic Markets Mostly Flat

Organic Markets Mostly Flat

Trading on major feed grains remains light, with merchandisers characterizing transaction volume...

Texas Researcher to Study Hemp for Animal Feed

Texas Researcher to Study Hemp for Animal Feed

The National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) under USDA awarded $300,000...

Soybean Crush Sets Record for Sept as Biofuel SBO Demand Rises

Soybean Crush Sets Record for Sept as Biofuel SBO Demand Rises

The National Oilseed Processors Association (NOPA) reported the September soybean crush at 165.456 million bushels. This was a...



Waste plastic can improve SAF without increasing pollution, study says

Waste plastic can improve SAF without increasing pollution, study says

Waste plastic can be used to improve sustainable aviation fuel (SAF), according to research announced on Monday September 16 by the Prairie Research Institute at the University of Illinois...


US animal fats, oils prices mixed as DCO production hits 2-month low

US animal fats, oils prices mixed as DCO production hits 2-month low

US animal fats and oils markets saw mixed price movements on Wednesday September 18, with Gulf Coast markets firming as distillers’ corn oil (DCO) production levels dropped to a...


US animal proteins prices steady; potential port strike could affect stocks, prices, sources say

US animal proteins prices steady; potential port strike could affect stocks, prices, sources say

US animal proteins markets were steady on Wednesday September 18.

Bloodmeal prices were reported to be flat day on day, though market sources continue to indicate underlying pressure, saying that...

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