Choice White Grease Prices Continue to Trend Higher


Choice White Grease Prices Continue to Trend Higher

The tallow market was quiet today with no changes reported ahead of publication. Choice white grease did trade higher on a Chicago basis, up to 67.75 cts/lb. Mo. River traded in a range of 66 – 67.5 cts/lb FOB today with volume done throughout the range. Lower priced palm as well as other alternative fat sources has led to strong resistance from the feed sector, sources indicated that...

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Pet Food Exports Fall from 2022 Levels

Pet Food Exports Fall from 2022 Levels

**Please note - Chloe Krimmel is out of the office until Monday, September 25th. In her absence, please contact...

U.S. Corn Crop Conditions Drop, Soybeans Hold Steady

U.S. Corn Crop Conditions Drop, Soybeans Hold Steady

CME grain prices were mixed today. December wheat decreased $0.0725, closing at $5.84/bu, while November soybeans dropped...

Texas Drought Pushing Ranchers to Slaughter Cows

Texas Drought Pushing Ranchers to Slaughter Cows

Hide trading was quiet today while most offers haven’t been released yet. Shoe tanners and automotive tanners remain relatively...

Soybean Oil Cash Basis, Prices in Illinois Slip

Soybean Oil Cash Basis, Prices in Illinois Slip

Nearby cash bids and offers on crude-degummed (CD) and refined, bleached, and deoderized (RBD) soybean oil in central Illinois were...

Organic Dairy Stakeholders Look for More Relief in 2023 Farm Bill

Organic Dairy Stakeholders Look for More Relief in 2023 Farm Bill

Price sensitive organic dairies have been pinched by higher feed costs and...

Cattle Slaughter Forecast Higher into October

Cattle Slaughter Forecast Higher into October

The market was very quiet today with the only changes reported coming from the Manly, IA DCO market.

Hog Slaughter Projected Seasonally Higher Into October

Hog Slaughter Projected Seasonally Higher Into October

**Please note – Chloe Krimmel is out of the office until Monday, September 25th. In her absence, please contact...

Harvest Pressure Continues to Push Soybeans Lower

Harvest Pressure Continues to Push Soybeans Lower

Sources reported one trade on DDGS today with a slight decrease in the MN/Dakotas price range. Market sources also...



BOHO spread reaches two-month high

BOHO spread reaches two-month high

The BOHO spread rose sharply on Friday September 20 to its highest since late July, as October soybean oil futures on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange traded higher and ultra-low-sulfur...


US animal fats, oils finish week stable to higher; SBO hits monthly high

US animal fats, oils finish week stable to higher; SBO hits monthly high

The US animal fats and oils markets closed the week to Friday September 20 unchanged, with limited trade reported.

The only notable movement was in the Midwest yellow grease market,...


Poultry by-product meal pet grade lower in Southeast; Sept on-feed cattle higher year on year

Poultry by-product meal pet grade lower in Southeast; Sept on-feed cattle higher year on year

US animal proteins were steady to slightly lower on Friday September 20. The only price change was on the Southeast poultry by-product meal pet grade due to increased production....

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