Sausage casings bulletin, March 14, 2025

Runner market commentary
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The US hide market was very active today, with a number of higher steer trades. Heavy Native Steer and Butt Branded Steer are in high demand due to the robust automotive business. Most buyers interested in the material are now showing more willingness to buy at steady or increased prices in some cases to secure the material.
USDA Cured Hide and Wet Blue Export Sales Recap
For week ending February 25, export sales for 2021 marketing year increased 86 percent to 429,423 from 231,280 and shipments increased 28 percent to 481962 from 375,251. Sales for marketing year 2021 totaled 3,668,104—mostly all hides. The average year-to-date weekly trends for federally inspected slaughter were 637,024, total export sales were 458,513 and total export shipments were 490,537.
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